Saturday, August 1, 2020

What Is Going On In the World In 2020?

The following are what I am hearing from a lot of people lately. “What is going on?” “Why is this happening?” “This is insane.” “This doesn’t make any sense.” “What is going to happen next?” “Will it ever return to normal?” These seem to be just a few of the things that people are saying as they struggle with trying to understand how all of a sudden in a matter of days, the entire world was turned upside down, and now several months later, it doesn’t look like it will ever end. So the question is, what really is happening, and will it ever end? The Bible can give us some insight into what is presently transpiring in 2020.
If the reader is not familiar with the basic teaching of Bible prophecy with Babylon the Whore riding the beast (aka antichrist) then what I am about to present will probably not make a lot of sense, although I will try to put it in a way that does, even for those unfamiliar with the prophecies. For those familiar with the woman who rides the beast with seven heads, we need to take a closer look at their relationship. The passage I want to speak about is the vision that Nebuchanezzar had that Daniel interpreted for him.

Daniel 2:32-44 “Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible. This image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth. This is the dream; and we will tell the interpretation thereof before the king.

Thou, O king, art a king of kings: for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory. And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou art this head of gold. And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth. And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise. And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.”

Prophecy teachers have always taught that the identities of these kingdoms were as follows: Babylon is the head of gold. Medo-Persia is the chest and arms of silver, Greece is the belly and thighs of brass, Rome is the legs of iron, and in the end times, a confederacy of ten nations that comes out of what was Rome are represented by the ten toes. I would like to make a change in that theory. I agree with the first three nations of Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece. And I do agree that the legs are Rome. At one time I believed that the two legs represented the division of Rome into the eastern and western empires of Rome, but I have come to believe something different.

Based on Scripture and history I want to put forth a new idea. In Revelation we are told that the ten horns which rise to power with the beast destroy Babylon on his behalf. That would seem odd, given that throughout history, they have worked as a team. Since when have they not been on the same side? I believe we can trace it back to sometime during the Roman Empire. After Christ, there didn’t arise another empire to overtake Rome the way all the previous empires had been conquered by the empire that followed them. Babylon and the beast had always just gone from empire to empire before that. Suddenly there was no empire ruled by this couple. What had happened? It appears that Nero, who persecuted the Christians was the sixth head of the beast of Revelation (the others not mentioned in Daniel would have been Egypt and Assyria) and after that, we do not hear about the beast for quite some time, so we can only presume that he possibly was sent to the bottomless pit where he stayed until the time for him to come out (as is the case at the moment) presented itself. However we do have a historical timeline for Babylon. During the early years of Christianity, there was the worship of Diana in Ephesus. Diana was just another name for Babylon, as was Ishtar, or Isis. She went by many names. As Christianity grew, and with the new mandate that Christianity would be the state religion by Constantine, Babylon found her followers becoming fewer and now on the wrong side of the law, so to speak. She took stock of this and seemed to have moved herself into the state created Christian church by finding a new persona that fit her role. The person of Mary, mother of Christ. During this time there seemed to be no sign of the beast.

Just as the pagan worship of the various goddesses had presented themselves as a mother with a child, because that is the story that has followed Babylon worship throughout the ages, she found it easy to become the Madonna, reducing Christ back to a child, instead of the full-grown resurrected God-man who died for our sins. This is where Babylon made herself at home for a while, having the priests of the church continue with worship to her within the church. The head priest of the Mysteries became the pope with the Dagon fish god headdress. The vestal virgins became the nuns of the church. The priests of Babylon who wore red robes became the cardinals of the church. The other gods became the various saints of the church. The paraphernalia and rituals of the Babylonian Mysteries, such as the rosary, making the sign of the cross, infant baptism, celibacy by priests and nuns, transubstantiation, and other things were incorporated into the Roman Church. Mary became venerated and over time certain characteristics were assigned to her that were not scriptural, such as perpetual virginity, an immaculate conception, etc.

For whatever reason, possibly because she did not want to share the worship with Christ, Babylon apparently decided to take her headquarters and her Babylonian mysteries out of the church. We know this because her mystery headquarters were found elsewhere much later down the road. She didn’t remove all the pagan things she had established there, they still continue unabated to this day, and she still acts as Mary on occasion, making appearances, and she has her “underground” followers within the church, but still she apparently wanted to be separate from Christ, so removed her mysteries to the “underground” where they remained until discovered by the Knights Templar during the Crusades. To make a long story short and skip over a lot of history, her mysteries eventually ended up being fronted by Freemasonry. It was this group that offered her a cover for her religion. During this time, she was without a kingdom. The beast had always provided the political empire in which she could run her religion and control the masses and receive her worship, but without the beast, she had no political empire with which to gain power and take over the world. So in time, when a new country presented itself without a history, the time was right for her to create an empire. She established herself as the Lady Liberty of the United States of America. Her statue (with the seven pointed crown, for the seven heads of the beast) stands in New York Harbor. It also sits atop the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. which acts as her temple.

During World War II, the beast came out temporarily from where he had been, when he possessed the person of Hitler. This was in fulfillment of Revelation when the seventh king that the beast would possess came and only remained a very short time. Hitler had the characteristics that the previous six incarnations of the beast had possessed. He wanted world domination, he ruled by terror, and he persecuted the Jews. That there was a schism between the beast and Babylon became apparent when the United States (Babylon) entered the war against the Third Reich (the beast). And the beast (Hitler) persecuted and killed the followers of Babylon (some orders of Freemasons).

If we look back to the statue of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, we see that there are two legs. There is a division within the partnership that had ruled these empires down until Rome. They appear to split apart during the time of Rome, and that appears to have been what happened. Within the various places where Babylonian worship had settled (the Roman Church, Freemasonry, the United States and other governments) there had occurred a division among her followers. All of Babylonian Mysteries are pagan witchcraft, but witchcraft takes on two different mantles. There is black witchcraft, which overtly worships Satan, believes that the more depraved the better, will abuse and kill children, seeks to rule by terror and enslavement, uses “magic” for evil and works overtly with demons and possession. It is called “The Darkness.” White witchcraft on the other hand believes itself to be “The Light”. It wants to rule through pleasuring all the senses, (abortion is acceptable, but child abuse is not), being one with nature and the universe, using “magic” for good, bringing in a golden age of peace and prosperity. It wants to create an Age of Aquarius, as it is known. The former is the kind of rule that the beast likes. It’s followers have been trying to establish a New World order, so that the antichrist could come back to rule the world. Babylon on the other hand seems to want to present herself as the beautiful lady who entices through sex, money, and the appetites. She wants to rule through what I term “bread and circuses.” Keeping the people happy through materialism, so that they would worship her. The New Age, gnostic Christianity, eastern mysticism, Wicca, and all religions of this nature are what she likes to use to keep people under her control. Somewhere during her history since Rome, a group within her followers decided they preferred the dark side or black witchcraft and two factions developed and have been vying for control since.

Now if one looks back to the statue of Nebuchadnezzar again, we see that there are five toes on each foot. And those toes are a combination of clay with iron. What is interesting is what is said about them. They do not adhere to each other, just as clay does not mix with iron. But it says that “they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men.” The seed of men is men. All men are the seed of men, but if those who mingle with them are not the seed of men, then what are they? I believe the answer comes in the Olivet Discourse when Christ says that as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be again before He returns. Two things in particular characterize that time period of Noah. One was that the thoughts of everyone were wicked continually, and the second was that the fallen angels, giants, and nephilim were a part of the world at that time. The nephilim and giants were the offspring of the fallen angels mating with human women. These strain of hybrids came back after the Flood and were in the land when Israel came out of Egypt. God had removed some of the giants and hybrids, but Israel was told to rid the land of the rest of them. They did not carry out that command to its conclusion, and some of the nephilim escaped to other parts of the world. It is even possible that some had migrated to other parts of the world before that, for there are ancient writings and even writings and stories that are only hundreds of years old that speak of giants and “gods.” These nephilim have hidden themselves away for a long time, but it is becoming clear that they are making their presence known. In fact, both factions of witchcraft tell of how they are both involved with demons and what they believe are aliens (but in fact are nephilim.) There may also be fallen angels involved in this too, but the fact is, these beings are the iron that mix with the clay or seed of men. (As to there being five on each foot, I do not at this time know how to identify what those might be. But it is not essential that I do so at the moment.) It should not be surprising that black witchcraft is heavily involved with demons and demon possession. That is where they get their powers. Likewise white witchcraft leans on spirits, but their spirits have convinced them that they are benevolent “light” creatures.

So having established what these two factions are, now it is easier to explain what is going on in the world. The Dark Side otherwise known as the New World Order or Deep State has been taking over the world, and in particular has been trying to conquer America. America almost fell to it, but Babylon suddenly seemed to say, “Not my country, you don’t,” and has decided to not only take back her country, but is attempting to rid the entire world of the black witchcraft and replace it with white witchcraft, so that she can establish a golden age of peace and prosperity with her at the helm. It was the upset victory of Donald Trump in 2016 that set off a war. Actually I believe she started before that when she created Brexit and broke up the EU. America was the last holdout of freedom in this world, and it had to be brought down for the New World Order to bring in the antichrist. The loss of the election was not expected and it set off a firestorm.

The side of “Light” or White Hats as they call themselves have been planning for quite some time to bring down the NWO and rid the world of their grotesque evil, especially the child trafficking and pedophilia, blood drinking, etc. The time was right, and God agreed, for I believe there have been several delays when the NWO has tried to take total control and God has sidelined their plans. We are now seeing the fulfilling of prophecy when Babylon will become the queen she so desires to be, as described in Revelation 17. “How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, …….for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.” She has made the world rich by her wares, both importing every luxurious thing and exporting all her filth. She is drunk on the blood of the saints, having persecuted God’s people throughout history. She is proud and arrogant and rich. And she must become this again, to the fullest, so that this is who she is when she is finally destroyed.

The Deep State has created a scenario to try to control the people through fear and terror. I am not going to go into all the medical information about Covid 19 that I have researched, but let’s just say it has a proven recovery rate of 99.9% which is a very high rate of recovery. The death rate has been manipulated to scare people by deliberating creating situations so that the elderly and compromised would die, and for the rest to manufacture false data to scare people. The mask situation is merely a medically useless occult ritual (again this has been scientifically researched as to the effectiveness of these masks) that is being enacted to control the people by erasing identities and individuality, promoting fear, creating suspicion of our fellow man and antisocial behavior, and preparing them to accept a new “normal” which is how one is programmed by the occult to accept a new reality within the occult which will control and use them. Groups are terrorizing and killing people and burning cites to the ground and destroying people’s business and livelihoods. The economy has been destroyed to make people desperate, churches have been closed to erase God and Christ as much as possible (a lot of people who go to church do not have a real relationship with Christ, so it removes what little Christianity they have in their lives from their lives) in the hopes that people will never go back. Schools are closed to traumatize children who can no longer socialize, but now live in fear. Trauma is the stock in trade for black witchcraft.

The White Hats are seeking to rid the world of this, and behind the scenes, much is going on. Child trafficking has been coming down, as one can see if one follows the news (in places other than the controlled media). Children are being rescued and people are being arrested for pedophilia. Laws are being passed through executive orders. There is much going on to try to reverse this evil that has been years in the making, enslaving people. According to Bible prophecy, Babylon must become a prosperous nation again, before she is destroyed by the antichrist and his cronies later on, closer to the Lord’s return. That requires that the White Hats win this battle, but as we can already see, that doesn’t mean it will be a bloodless one. Cities are burning, people have died of illness and have been killed by domestic terrorists. Law and order are being dismantled in the last death throes of the Deep State and they still have more plans to destroy us. When one thing doesn’t work to kill the hope in people, they bring on something new, to try to get back the control they once had. It will no doubt get much worse in many ways before it gets better, but “better” is a relative word. Satan is going to deceive for a while with white witchcraft, but according to the Bible this can only continue until the beast returns. He rules through terror. If Satan can’t conquer with one lie, he will present himself as an angel of light and use another. This is what we are seeing happen. I cannot say how long this will go on (definitely until after the elections), nor can I say how bad it will get (probably very bad), but it will come to an end and the country will recover and become more prosperous than ever. But it will be much different. We will have a new kind of economy (cashless) and I imagine people will be expected to embrace the New Age religion that controls all this. However I believe that this “golden age” will be short-lived, for I believe we are on the cusp of entering Daniel’s 70th week. And true Christians will be no better off under Babylon than under the beast, for the new religion has no room for the real Christ, only the “Christ consciousness”, the New Age ascended master. Christianity, as those who are true Christians know it, is a religion of the old age, which is has passed its time and has no place in the new age of enlightenment according to the White Hats. It must be left behind and people must “ascend” to the new dimensional consciousness where they are one with the universe. If you cannot “ascend” then you must be eliminated, so as to not bring disharmony to the vibrational matrix that will constitute the new world paradigm. It will be a “quantum” world.

I have spent a lot of time investigating the White Hats and what they are saying. They throw around a whole lot of Christian terminology, such as separating the wheat from the chaff, there will be a great awakening (their idea of revival), and an ascension (their idea of a rapture), a Christ consciousness (instead of Christ the person) and they are bringing in the “kingdom of God” or “golden age" (their idea of a millennium).  They keep saying that what is happening is Biblical. Well on the one hand, they are right, for it is prophecy fulfilled, but that is not how they mean it. They interpret the Scriptures in a whole new way, and reader, prepare yourselves spiritually, for they are all saying that the Bible we have is not the true Scriptures, or about the true teachings of Jesus, and does not tell us who He truly was. They are talking of discoveries of “older” manuscripts that teach something entirely different from what the Bible we have teaches and how the Dark Side hid all this truth away from us for all these years, but now we will see that we have misunderstood Christ for all this time. They dismiss the idea of demons, fallen angels and nephilim and talk about the disclosure of aliens. So get ready, for the world you once knew is gone, and a new one is on the horizon. But like all things that are birthed, there are birth pangs, and we are going through them. And then there will be more pains when the antichrist presents himself as who he really is and the great tribulation begins. We have begun the final ride into what will shortly be the beginning of the end. I would say that we should probably expect that within a short time (months to a few years) that the temple will go up in Jerusalem. Then we will know that it will only be a matter of time before the Lord returns. So as Jesus said, “Pray that you are worthy to escape all these things.”

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